Monday, April 21, 2008

I Failed Miserably

So much for my feeble attempt to post every day on my trip. Suppose I could just backdate these posts...but I won't because I believe in accountability. I'll just ask you to pretend this is the night of March 27, 2008.

A day that ended very memorably with a radio interview on the Joey Reynolds show at WOR. I hadn't had a chance to listen to his show in the days prior to my stint (which I usually do, btw) so I had no idea what to expect. But I was definitely surprised when we pulled up in front of their building...
I mean, how classy is this?

I shoulda dressed up. Look at this hallway leading to the elevators.

And the history. Wow. Hey, check me out - it's a self portrait. I've always wanted to be part of an old school baseball.

Yup, this is a classy, classy place and I'm going to have a wonderful intellectually stimulating interview. Without a doubt.

After signing in at security I take the elevator up to the - shit, I don't remember the floor...5th? 6th? 7th?

Then I exit the elevator...and see this...

What the hell?
Wait, I've seen this guy Square. That's it. The Naked Cowboy.
But why is he here? At my interview?

Wanting to have his picture taken with me?

He made me do this. I swear. Really. That's the God's truth.

Well, the Naked Cowboy was also there for an interview. And so was another girl who I had not previously heard of...Ivy Supersonic. She's some sort of institution in the New York scene. I think she's famous for designing those big feather hats that Pamela Anderson used to wear. I will eventually put the interview up on my website and you can count the number of times Ivy was bleeped.

We all ended up in the studio together for group sex... er, I mean a group interview.

L to R: filmmaker Nick Gaglia, Ivy Supersonic, Naked Cowboy, actor George Gallagher and Me.

Align CenterNick and George were there shooting Joey Reynolds for a movie they're making.

You may think I'm performing a nasty sexual act on Mr. N. Cowboy. Actually I was checking out his money hole. And that's all I'm going to say about it. You can figure out the rest for yourself.
And here I am - looking a little peaked - with Joey Reynolds at 12:34am.

After the initial gang interview - which was taped for a 4am broadcast - they asked me to stay on for the first hour which was live at 1am. I did. And then I stayed even longer. 'Til 2:00am. Because they had a bunch of really good food. I was hungry by that point. So hungry I forgot to take pictures of the food.

By the time I got to sleep at 3am I was beat. What was I thinking? I knew I had to get up early the next day to pick up my shipment of books and pictures, then set up our table at the Fest for Beatle Fans.


Okay...that's one travelblog down, leaving me only 15 or so to go.

In the meantime, I'll add a "What's going on today?" so I won't have to continue catching up for the months to come.

I am currently in the middle of my mad dash to complete the key art design on 8 movies that I'm doing for Cannes. I managed to complete seven comps today on three of the movies. Not bad. Since getting back to LA I've been getting up at 6am every day, which is actually really helpful in getting more accomplished during the day. Although, it means I'm bagged by 9pm...and that's about now.

Plenty of interesting news coming up on the book front. Just can't share it quite yet.

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