Those of you who know me personally, know that I'm a pretty private person, especially when it comes to my family and friends. And for those of you I've never met, even though I write a blog and dish all kinds of personal stories, I never/rarely write about private issues and what I write on here about people who are still alive and kicking is done with their permission. Sometimes I take the piss out of people on my blog - which is really tricky because what's written tongue-in-cheek often gets misinterpreted and taken at face value. But I trust that my readers (and I thank all who read my writings) are cutting edge enough to get my sense of humor.
Anybody figure out that I'm skirting an issue here? Yup, I am. Dragging it out because it's really hard to write about. Way outside the realm of things I wish to share. Jesus fuck. It's so surreal at this point that I think it's actually a lie. Some kind of cosmic joke. Or something I dreamed - I mean nightmared - that I'm writing as if it's real. Thinking I'll get a call from someone asking me what the fuck I'm going on about. Maybe Mick Jagger will call and say, "It's just your imagination, running away with you." Please, I'll take any one of those scenarios over the one I know to be true.
Okay, Chesher, get on with it.

I have a daughter. Her name is Jaimie. She is an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. Not only is she beautiful and funny, she is also a straight A student (except a B+ that some ho-bag temp teacher gave her because...well, it doesn't really matter but she deserved an A). Jaimie wasn't happy that her 4.0 got blown out to a 3.95 or whatever it is now. She is hoping to go to Columbia (the university in NY, not the country) for grad school. She reads smart person books and enjoys them. You know the ones. Those books you get assigned in school and choose to read the Cliff notes because you can't get past the verbage. I think they call them The Classics. She's way, way, way smarter than me. She uses her brain. That's why I call her my acadamia nut.
And that's why this is such a hard pill to swallow. Why it makes this the hardest sentence I've ever had to write. Because if I write it, I can't deny it's truth.
My daughter is going to have brain surgery next Wednesday morning.
Just the thought of it makes me feel like I have to puke. Writing it down and reading the words makes the blood in my body surge through my veins at double-speed, while simultaneously draining my body of all life. And then it just makes me cry.
I'll talk more about what's going on with her brain in subsequent posts but for now I'll just say she has acquired hydrocephalus - feel free to click on the link to read more about it.
Right now I need to ask for your help. Since starting Everybody I Shot Is Dead over two years ago, I have invested every penny I've had into the project and borrowed beyond my means to bring it to fruition, leaving myself no cushion in case of emergencies (yes, I'm that stupid). While I'm hoping to break even by the end of the year, at the moment I'm just managing to get by and keep the wolves at bay in these trying economic times. So now I need to raise a bunch of benjamins to pay the over-and-above expenses our insurance won't cover, my travel expenses to NoCal, the three-plus weeks of lost income while I'm up there taking care of my girl during her recovery, etc, etc.
Please understand I'm not looking for any handouts here. That's not how I roll. I'm here to offer you some great deals on my wares. The only favor I'm asking is that if you have any plans to purchase something from me in the future, that you do it now instead of later. If you're going to be looking for a birthday gift for someone who has everything, please consider a print or book or t-shirt. And instead of waiting 'til the last minute to do your Holiday shopping, how about getting it done early, right here, right now. Any little bit will help.
If even you can't buy anything, you can still help us out in other ways. Here's some suggestions:
1. Send your positive thoughts to Jaimie via email - - even if she doesn't know you she'll appreciate hearing from you. She's a crazy-brave girl but she's not without fear. A few kind words will help her get through this ordeal.
2. Say a prayer for her and keep her in your thoughts, especially on Wednesday morning (PST).
3. Email your friends with a link to this post.
And, if you are a blogger, please post a link and encourage your readers to stop by.
Here's a listing of the cool stuff you can get at below wholesale prices:
Original Photographic Prints
I took these photos of the prints today...they do not represent the quality of the prints. To see a more accurate representation of the print quality click here.

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #16/75 Framed (approx 20x25)
$500 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison123leF)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #13/75 Framed (approx 20x25)
$400 plus shipping ($25 US)
(item ref: nilsson206leF)
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #13/75 Framed (approx 20x25)
$400 plus shipping ($25 US)
(item ref: garcia69leF)
$400 plus shipping ($25 US)
(item ref: garcia69leF)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #12/75 Framed (approx 20x25)
$400 plus shipping ($25 US)
(item ref: bonham171leF)
This is the actual photo seen on the NBC Mo Rocca interview.

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: garcia70oeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: creach138oeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: creach143oeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: wilsonD57oeF)
(only one available at this price)
This is the actual photo seen on the NBC Mo Rocca interview.

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: zappa49oeF)
(only one available at this price)
This is the actual photo seen on the NBC Mo Rocca interview.

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 17x20)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: harrison123oeF)
(only one available at this price)
This is the actual photo seen on the NBC Mo Rocca interview.

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: badfinger44oeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: badfinger41AoeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: evans40BoeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: bibbins47oeF)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: ham43oeF)
(only one available at this price)
11x14 Signed Open Edition Framed (approx 16x18)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: starkey4oeF)
(only one available at this price)
Ringo Starr
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #14/75 Unframed
$275 plus shipping ($7 US)
(item ref: starr#14le)
Frank Zappa
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #16/75 Unframed
$275 plus shipping ($7 US)
(item ref: zappa49#16le)
George Harrison
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #17/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison121#17le)
George Harrison
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #18/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison121#18le)
George Harrison
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #17/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison123#17le)
Ringo Starr
11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: ringo-oe)
(only one available at this price)
Terry Kath/Chicago
11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: kath99oe)
(only one available at this price)
11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: badfinger44oe)
(only one available at this price)
Paul Butterfield
11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: butterfield29oe)
(two available at this price)
Frank Zappa
11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: zappa49oe)
(two available at this price)
$175 plus shipping ($15 US)
(item ref: starkey4oeF)
(only one available at this price)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #14/75 Unframed
$275 plus shipping ($7 US)
(item ref: starr#14le)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #16/75 Unframed
$275 plus shipping ($7 US)
(item ref: zappa49#16le)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #17/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison121#17le)
George Harrison
16x20 Signed Limited Edition #18/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison121#18le)

16x20 Signed Limited Edition #17/75 Unframed
$300 including free US shipping
(item ref: harrison123#17le)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: ringo-oe)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: kath99oe)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: badfinger44oe)
(only one available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: butterfield29oe)
(two available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: zappa49oe)
(two available at this price)

11x14 Signed Open Edition Unframed
$75 plus shipping ($6 US)
(item ref: gibb107oe)
(one available at this price)
These prints are not currently available on my website. If you are interested in ordering one or more of the above prints, please email with questions and fro purchasing instructions. International orders are welcome on the unframed prints - shipping will be quoted on request. The above prints are available on a first-come first-served basis.
If you miss out on your favorite 11x14 open edition print above or you don't see the musician you want to hang on your wall, you won't be left out. All 11x14 prints of any Everybody I Shot Is Dead photograph shown here will be available for $95 plus shipping through the end of August. Email to order now. I will try and have ordering of these directly through my website soon.
Other items you can order directly on my website:
If you miss out on your favorite 11x14 open edition print above or you don't see the musician you want to hang on your wall, you won't be left out. All 11x14 prints of any Everybody I Shot Is Dead photograph shown here will be available for $95 plus shipping through the end of August. Email to order now. I will try and have ordering of these directly through my website soon.
Other items you can order directly on my website:
Oh my God, Deborah. Prayers for Jaimie, you and Tyler. Will email. x Caroline
My thoughts, good vibes and prayers are with you all at this time.
Put me down for a Zappa (the expensive one ! ! !).
Cucumber Rob.
I know Jaimie will come through this fine. She's so beautiful and our prayers are with you and her now, and especially Wed morning.
I'll be praying for your daughter, Deborah. Got here from a link that Scott Mullen put on his blog site. Hope all your prints sell in record time.
- E.C. Henry from Bonney Lake, WA
Well, damn.
I leave town for a week and everything goes to hell, it seems.
Prayers, vibes, all I got -- on the way. And I'll do what I can elsewhere and elseways.
Deborah, just found out today about this from Shawna. I am so sorry that your family is going through such a tough time. I've got that Beautiful daughter Jaimie at the top of my prayer list. God Bless you TOO sweet Deborah. If there's anything any of us can do please let us know. I know Shawna and Jules feel the same way. Love ya bunches! Londie
I just stumbled over here from StoryTroy's. Wanted you to know my prayers are with you and your daughter. She is obviously an amazing person! Good on you.
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