This blog is no longer active due to an accidental deletion of photographs and the creation of my new blog at
Thanks for your continued support.
Oh, sheesh. I was anxiously awaiting your answer! I'll keep looking at him and maybe it will come to me. That's all you know, that it was taken around '76?
This guy looks SO familiar... You gonna tell us??? Before it drives me nuts... Or maybe just a hint?
Actually, I have no idea.
I'm hoping someone out there can tell me.
Oh, sheesh. I was anxiously awaiting your answer! I'll keep looking at him and maybe it will come to me. That's all you know, that it was taken around '76?
I think I know where it was shot and I'm hoping I'll find a reference to the shoot in one of my journals. As I did with Malcolm Roberts.
Sorry I had you going on that...with no payoff.
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