Monday, May 11, 2009

Road Trip Diary Day 2

Ugh. I wanted to start at 7am. We didn't get up until 9ish - I mean me - and Jaimie didn't get up 'til past 9:30. By the time we hit the road it was 10:30 and before we knew it we were making an unplanned stop to see my oldest half-sister here:

It was the annual Mother's Day Earth Festival on the UC Davis campus. Yes, if there's a stage with a musician -even if they're just warming up - I will take a picture.

They had some cool booths...this was my favorite:

Chimes made from silverware. They sounded amazing. Check out the one on the far right where they had everything hanging from a small candelabra.

I also loved this three-wheeled car, especially for the fact the back wheel looks like a table saw blade. I imagine running over annoying people's feet. Yes, I'm sick.

We walked by this very authentic hippy houe on our way back to the car. I dug it.

Then we got to see things like this. The iPhone takes pictures that require the disclaimer "Things in this photo may appear much farther away than they actually are." It's Mt. Shasta. Another vision that required the invention of the word "majestic."

Here's an example of suicide by windshield.

And suicide by grill. Day 2 saw the loss of at least 864 of God's creatures.

I could see myself living in Ashland, Oregon. We saw a really cool house for sale...just 1.6M. Where do I sign?

Things got a little sketchy on the driving thing. This was taken at 10:44pm. We didn't stop for the night until around 12:30am.

Miles logged: 700
Hours in car: 10.5
Went to sleep: 1:30am
Woke up: 9:30am to a Mother's Day gift I didn't want.

To be continued...

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