I'm scanning the first four strips as I type this. The only thing I could see as I loaded them in was some large speakers. I'm going to assume for the moment that they are part of the Kelly-Deyong sound system for some concert I was invited to by Dave Zeffert in the very early days of my rock'n'roll photography biz. No idea if there's a musician in these negs or who that musician may be if there is one. This is discovery. And it's fun.
OK...I still can't tell. The preview scan is too small to make out anything other than the speakers. I'm scanning them now at a high enough resolution to be able to see something. Wow, 5 minutes to go...must have over-rezzed it.
4 mins...
I could always take out my lupe and check the remaing three strips and see what's there. But that would spoil it. The edge-of-my-seat tension I am feeling at this moment is kind of cool. My own personal thriller movie playing out in real time.
Fuck...2 mins...
The file will be too huge to open...I may have to delete and start again.
Yay! Less than a minute. Tick, tick, tick...my scanner obviously can't tell time.
Done...page is saving. Then have to open it in Photoshop. Oh boy, 281 MB. That's big. Okay...almost open. Speakers, microphones - welcome to my crack pipe - what was I thinking?
Now I'm really confused. One strip is a friend of mine that I used to shoot in Toronto. What's he doing on Number 26? I'm going to scan a few of these individually so I can show you what I'm talking about and then move on to the last three strips. Hopefully, I'll come up with a logical answer to this mystery.
You know, every time I pull one of these neg sheets out I'm thinking this will be a quick post and I can get on with the rest of my day. Somehow that just never works out. I always end up down the rabbit hole.
From the first strip...meet the speakers:

Meet the speaker from the second strip:

From the third strip...a microphone:

As I thought, this is the friend from Toronto...Ron Baumber...

Speaking of not remembering, who is this guy? Also from strip four:

Wait, I've been working on this post for an hour and a half. Far too long for this whimsy. I'll catch up with you on the last three strips tomorrow.
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