It's another one of those rare situations where I - the person who never goes out - went out. I knew I'd be back late but figured a post after getting home near 3am might be more interesting than one from the middle of the day when I had nothing of interest to say. Not that the 3am post will be of interest either. This blog is free so I am not obligated to be interesting. Feel free to switch to a blog dedicated to growing prune trees. (God, I hope prunes are grown on, wait, they're dried up plums or something...I'm much smarter before midnight.
Alright, on to the post. Where was I tonight? Thanks for asking. I went to a Casino Nite fundraiser aimed at raising $$ for a play that a bunch of artist types are putting on sometime in August, somewhere in L.A. I didn't know any of the people but thought it might be a good time and I could have some fun gambling without losing the farm. I donated a book and a couple of lithographs as my could deed for the day and did a $20 buy-in to play Texas Hold'em...after an hour or so of instructional warm-up games where I pretended I never played before. Which I really hadn't, other than some of the free online games a couple of years back.
The house where the party was held looked to be in a state of constant remodelling, but in a very cool way. Lots of spackle on the walls and unfinished window fitting and such. Great place to shoot pictures. I took this one shortly after arriving. The home owner's dog was really into humping and she was all over Tyler's arm. I was completely unprepared to take a picture, had no idea what the settings were on the camera and right when I wanted to shoot the darned dog stopped. So, this is what I got...

Then the poker ensued and that was it for the photos. After the warm-ups I took a short break and then bought in at one of the tables. My first hand was a dud but then I won a few and amassed a pile of chips that kept me going for the rest of the night even though I didn't win another hand. I think my winning hands were a full house, a straight and a flush. I was so competitive I completely forgot about taking pictures until the remaining 9 players were at one table. I was won of the 9, thank you very much.
I took this right before we started the final table play...

Kinda reminds me of Rounders. I believe when all was said and done, I came in 6th overall. Not bad since I was one of a few that only did one buy-in.
So the night was a good was had and friends were made. And that's all I have to say about it.
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